
What You Should Post to Your Business Facebook Page

Regular posts help keep customers engaged with your Facebook page, but what sort of thing should you be posting?

Most modern businesses have a social media presence, and Facebook is one of the most important platforms. Interacting and engaging with customers on Facebook has never been harder, with so many competing voices out there. At the same time, it's never been so important. Gaining a strong Facebook following is hard work but can be done, if you post about the right things at the right time.

The first thing to remember is it can't all be about you. People are very quickly turned off if they're constantly being spammed by promotional posts and business updates. They want to see content which is relevant and interesting, something they can get their teeth into and not just marketing material.

Posting stories is a great way to engage people, because it feels more personal. You can share little behind-the-scenes nuggets, explain where the idea for a particular product came from or anecdotes about the early days of your business.

Another way to attract customers' attention is to post about subjects which are trending, as long as they aren't straying into the dangerous topic of politics. Think about what your customer base might be searching for, and ask them questions. For example, if there's a big football match coming up, ask which side they're rooting for or what they think the goal difference will be. It doesn't have to be specific to your company or industry, but it does remind them that you're there.

Industry-related news is good though. Chances are, if people are interested in your business, then they're interested in the wider sector and want to stay up to date.

Finally, spread your posts out. Peak times to post are 12pm, 3pm and 7pm, when the greatest numbers are online and likely to engage. Your voice can, however, get lost in the crowd. Spread your posts between peak times and off-peak times and you're casting your net wider, so you're more likely to reach the people you want.


Don't just post promotional content
Tell stories for a personal touch
Post about subjects which are trending and relevant
Share industry-related news
Post at peak and off-peak times