
What Should You Include on Your LinkedIn Profile?

You want to make sure the right people see the right information. What should you include on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is usually the first place fellow business people will look you up, whether they're connecting after a business meeting, finding out more after a job interview or looking to headhunt new talent. That's why you need your profile to stand out, and ensure that the right people see the right information about you.

First thing to add is a photo, because profiles with a photo tend to get seven times more clicks. People like to put a face to the name, so take a professional headshot and hit upload.

Next up, you want to write an engaging and easy-to-read summary. This is your chance to highlight what makes you unique, so mention your career highlights, biggest achievements, any languages you might speak and any certificates or qualifications you have earned. The stronger your summary is, the more likely you are to attract recruiters.

The experience section is where you get to add your employment history. While you might not include every job you've ever worked on a paper resumé, you should do so on LinkedIn. Your paper CV is a condensed version for recruiters under time constraints, LinkedIn is the bigger picture they want to see once you've got them interested.

Next, showcase your skills. Don't just say you're 'great at something' – you need to provide concrete examples, backed up by facts and figures. Recruiters know you can boast all you like, particularly online, but without the concrete evidence they will just back out of your page.

Other things to include would be your education background, any voluntary work you've carried out and your key accomplishments, such as publications you've contributed to, projects you've completed or any awards you've received.

Think of your LinkedIn profile as the most comprehensive version of you and your career history. People go online to look for the finer details and understand you better, so the more you tell them, the more likely you are to reach the right people.


Add a photo
Include an engaging summary of your achievements
Give a detailed employment history
Showcase your skills
Include any other achievements and passions