
What You Can Do to Reduce Employee Turnover

Employee retention is one of the toughest challenges that HR faces. With the the rise in job hoppings, it is crucial to find a proper solution to combat this issue.

It may be tough but not impossible. Hiring the right people can ensure they don't pack their bags and leave. Clearly defining the role, requirement and description can help in finding people who are a perfect fit for your company and its culture.

This may seem counterintuitive, but letting go of employees that aren't serving your company well is a good way to combat churn. Sometimes you can do everything in your power to get these types of employees comfortable and happy but they just don't gel well with your company. Know when to cut your losses and save yourself the heartache of dealing with these toxic people.

Many people stay in a company because of its amazing benefits. It may seem obvious but it is still quite an overlooked strategy. Benefits are a great way to show your employees that you care. Be assured that if you don't provide benefits employees will find another company that will.

Recognising good work and rewarding it gets employees to stay as well. This makes employees feel valued and appreciated because you are celebrating their victories, no matter how small.

Another great strategy is to be more flexible. Having flexible work arrangements – working hours and locations – will make employees feel less suffocated and happy. And a happy employee not only produces better work but will choose to stay.

The truth of the matter is, if you take care of your employees, they'll be loyal to you.


Hire the right people
Let go of employees that aren't serving your company
Offer amazing benefits
Recognise and reward good work
Be more flexible