
Should You Discuss Your Salary with Your Co-Workers?

It's a well-known “rule” that no one should discuss their salary with their co-workers. It is seen as rude, prying, or an invasion of privacy. But there are a few benefits from this discussion.

Firstly, discussion on this topic paves the way to addressing racial and gender wage gaps. Unbeknownst to many, there is in fact a pretty big pay gap, if you don't talk to your co-workers about this you will never know that there is in fact a gap. This discussion would lead to businesses having to reevaluate their policies and ensure everyone is paid for the job they do and not for the gender or skin colour they are.

Secondly, it gives you a realistic base to negotiate for a higher pay. Salary negotiations are usually based on previous wages. Knowing the market rate and the pay your co-workers receive enables you to start a conversation about pay with your manager. So, talking about salary can help you in the future.

Finally, talks around this topic will help you feel more satisfied at work. Can you imagine working in a place longer than a newcomer but being paid lesser than them? Salary transparency ensures that you are treated fairly and equal to your colleagues. You'll be more motivated to put in a little more effort and be more productive.

This subject is a sensitive one at best and approaching it can be hard. But a thoughtful and respectful approach can have you reaping the benefits while paving the way for the next generation.


Paves the way to addressing racial and gender wage gaps.
Gives you a realistic base when negotiating for a higher pay
Ensures fair and equal treatment