
Why Hiring Managers Should Focus on Experience Rather Than Qualifications

When it comes to hiring someone, the first thing recruiters usually look for is qualification over experience. This might not be the best way to hire a candidate that is best suited for the role.

When you hire someone with experience, you know they'll be able to get the job done right off the bat. There will be no need to train them or even spend time coaching them through the systems your company uses. People with experience know what to do, how to do it faster, and at times even how to improve it.

Employers faced the reality some years ago that qualifications do not necessarily mean having the best skills to get the job done. As such, someone with experience has spent time in the working environment and is well equipped to adapt to their surroundings, something most fresh grads a challenge.

Of course, while having the most up-to-date knowledge is great, nothing really compares to actually putting it into practise. Most people with experience would already be putting into practise the new methods available, again making them invaluable to a company.

Someone who is experienced also showcases qualities that someone new might not. Simple things like effective problem-solving, being punctual, working in teams or independently and most importantly functioning under pressure.

Now, this does not mean that qualifications aren't important, of course in some instances they are. But blatantly disregarding someone who doesn't have the “right” qualification can leave you losing someone who could've brought great value to your company. Don't just focus on how you can save money by getting someone who is less experienced, focus on how you can improve the state of the company and bring someone who has great potential in making that happen.


They know what to do, how to do it and how to improve it
More equipped to handling a work environment
They have already put what they know into practise
They already possess qualities that are suitable for the workplace