
Why Entrepreneurs May be Dealing with Mental Health Challenges

We often hear successful stories from entrepreneurs around the globe. Little do we know that entrepreneurs are prey to mental health challenges.

The path of entrepreneurship is not always filled with sunshine and rainbows. Entrepreneurs possess a set of traits that are contributing negatively to their mental health. In a recent study, entrepreneurs are observed to suffer from depression, substance abuse, bipolar disorder, and having suicidal thoughts more than the general population. With such alarming statistics, why are entrepreneurs more prone to suffer from mental health problems?

The number one reason is the fear of failure and uncertainty. This particular fear elevates the anxiety level in most entrepreneurs. More often than not, business is a gamble, and uncertainty of the future is looming among entrepreneurs as the output factors are not in their control.

Next is social isolation, especially during the initial stage of a business or when dealing with problems. Entrepreneurs often choose to isolate themselves by focusing solely on work, which is a step towards depression. Due to the non-traditional path that entrepreneurs have taken, there is also a lack of support among friends and family that contribute to loneliness.

Overwork, lack of sleep, financial issues, and skipping meals will lead to the accumulation of stress. Typically, most entrepreneurs overlook their stress level until it becomes damaging to their mental and physical well being.

Entrepreneurs also often create a façade that everything is fine when the situation is the opposite. They do not want to appear weak and admit their weakness. Hence, they distance themselves from reality. This unnecessary impression management will consequently lead to the feeling of persistent shame and stress.

Besides that, too many expectations that entrepreneurs set for themselves can impact their mental health, especially when the expectations are not met. It is always wise to establish more realistic goals and be open-minded on any eventualities that may happen in the future.

In essence, entrepreneurs should always reflect on their mental health throughout their entrepreneurship journey. You can build your business anytime, but you cannot rewind the time you lost when your mental health deteriorates.


Fear of failure and uncertainty
Social isolation
Accumulation of stress
Impression management
Too many expectations