
How to cultivate a powerful network on Linkedin

There are half a billion users on Linkedin but you're still having trouble connecting aside from the individuals that you personally know. What went wrong?

You signed up, completed your profile, and are ready to use Linkedin for networking. After a while, you realize that your connections are not diverse and relatively small in number. Psychologically speaking, a person with 500+ connections is believed to be more accomplished. Here are five ways to cultivate a powerful network on Linkedin.

Firstly, you have to personalize your connection requests. A personalized request will show more dedication to connect compared to a generic request. A personalized request works both for a person you know and a person you are interested in connecting with.

In order to build an engaged network is to follow up with people you meet throughout your everyday life. For instance, did you meet someone at a conference, volunteering events, or perhaps your favourite coffee shop owner? These people can be your connections on Linkedin as well. It is easy to overlook the potential contacts that you meet face-to-face.

Try and set monthly growth goals to grow your network. Since your target is to reach 500+ connections, start by setting realistic goals to gradually build your network. You can select a monthly target of how many individuals you want to connect on Linkedin. However, you should not be spamming people and prioritize quality connection over quantity.

Post as often as you can to build more engagement to your profile. Posting regularly can help build up your network through the likes, shares, or comments from your existing connections. It can promote your profile to the second-degree connections from your current connections.

Finally, always try to engage with your existing connections on Linkedin. You can like, share or comment on your connections' post if their thoughts or contents resonate with you. By doing so, you will bring more exposure and engagement to your profile.

Linkedin is a powerful networking platform that anyone can utilize. Growing your Linkedin connections is not as intimidating as you thought. Moreover, your connections can bring valuable insight into your professional career or life in general.


Personalise your connection requests
Follow up with people you meet
Set monthly growth goals
Post as often as you can
Engage with your existing connections